Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication

I was reading the General Conference issue of the Ensign the other night, and I came across the talk by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf. He mentioned in his talk that Leonardo da Vinci is quoted as saying, "simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." This really struck me as profound. The talk is about focusing on the essentials of the Gospel, slowing down, focusing on the basics. I could really appreciate this because I have been feeling like I have no time for anything. I am trying really hard to focus on those basics again, knowing that if I do, everything else will fall into place. :) When I take the time to read my  scriptures and pray, when I focus less on the fashion blogs I follow...things in life are more peaceful. It almost seems as if it's harder to NOT have all the technology today, to go the day without my cell phone. But, when I do go the day without all the high-tech gadgets I feel so free! Leonardo da Vinci had it right, simplicity really IS the ultimate sophistication.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Married life

I've been married for two weeks now! It's great, and I highly recommend it to everyone :) Life is starting to get back to normal now. I am officially done with my semester...7 weeks off!! Here are a couple of fun wedding pictures. Enjoy.

My favorite!

My interpretation of The Sound of Music "I am 16 Going on 17."

Monday, November 15, 2010

Wrist corsage

So, I was Googling last night and came across brides wearing wrist corsages. I think it is the perfect idea for a small wedding with no bridal party. I went to a local flowershop and ordered mine this morning. I want it to be one yellow flower that's big and simple; it may be a small sunflower. Kind of like this one I found on a bridal blog:

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Good-bye old...Hello new

I am getting married this Friday so I thought it only fit to finally get my blog off the back burner. I'm starting a new life as a wife, and I'm looking forward to every minute of it! I have this whole week off to finish up some homework, hang out with family and friends, and of course...GET MARRIED!